Where before Yellow was virtual, now it will be physical.

Where before we had small, on-line, ongoing groups running in parallel, we will now have discrete projects and events in a variety of sizes, shapes and durations.

Where before, Alex and Rob would initiate everything (and co-creation would take place during the course of the work) now, anyone can author ideas and projects, with help and support from Alex and Rob.

Yellow used to have a clear boundary. The things we did were for the people within it. Now it is fuzzier. Some of what we do will be by invitation only, much of it will still be only for Yellow people, but some of it may be aimed at, or open to, completely different people altogether (these projects we refer to as yellowish).

These are significant changes, with all kinds of implications we can’t anticipate. We have no idea how it will work, or if it will work. The only way to find out is to throw ourselves in. So as it takes form, we expect things to continue to change. Which makes sense. After all, at some level, to borrow from Bergson and Michael Foley, everything is movement.

Next page: What isn’t new?