Yellow is not really a business so it doesn’t have a business model as such. Nonetheless, everything costs money and Yellow is no different. Materials, venues, food and the work of designing and holding things (whoever does it) all need to be paid for. There are also ongoing costs of running Yellow (tech platforms and admin mostly) which add up. Also, Yellow requires ongoing work and attention from Alex and Rob beyond that devoted to particular events. Without that it will falter.
We are happy to embrace this uncertainty but as this new form evolves we will need to see what returns it gives us – financially and in other ways – and we fully expect that we may need to make changes (a subscription model perhaps?) to ensure that we continue to be engaged ourselves. But we want to learn by doing, rather than try and work that out in advance.
The current idea is that each project will have to pay for itself via ticket sales, which means covering all the direct costs and making a contribution to the pot for ongoing costs and the work Alex and Rob need to do to keep Yellow alive. What we won’t do is seek to amass money or pay a salary to ourselves or anyone else beyond the work they do running projects.
Yellow isn’t about making money, but if you do some work in designing and organising an event or project, then you should get paid. So we aren’t against people making money out of it, but making money shouldn’t be the reason why we do anything.
Next page: What about branding?