Yellow is not about the transmission of information.
Instead it aims to create insight and spark the imagination.
So the currency of Yellow is not content. It is attention.
Groups work on, and with, what emerges from the experience itself.
Our role, as conveners, is to pay close attention to each of the participants and the conversation they generate.
This creates a field where people feel seen and heard.
Where they can be connected to each other - and to themselves.
This doesn’t mean there is no content.
But we do not presume to know beforehand what it is that people will need, or be interested in.
This gives power to the participants.
They do not follow the content - the content follows them.
We bridge the two, so that based on what we notice, we make (lightly held) suggestions about themes, questions, exercises, material, or guests we might explore.
This is rare. Which is what makes it of value.
→ Next page: Outcomes