Yellow is entering a whole new phase. We aren’t just tweaking it, we are making it anew (as we anticipated we would) and as ever with Yellow, we aren’t really sure what that will yield, or even whether it will work.
This feels fitting. It reflects our belief that in order to be fully alive, you have to be willing to contemplate your own end. Accepting that is what has enabled us to embark upon a whole new life for Yellow, in a completely different form.
To explain this new form of Yellow and how it might work (to ourselves as much as anything) we have written a new Guide. This isn’t intended to wipe away the old one – even if much of the practical stuff is no longer relevant the original expresses attitudes and beliefs about what we do and how we do it that are still important. What this new Guide does is add another layer.
This is a familiar phenomenon in the living world – nothing ever starts from zero, and new structures are lain on top of (imperfect) previous ones, ‘transcending and enfolding’ what was there already (to use Kevin Kelly’s phrase).
To get as full a version as possible of the story Yellow you could read the original Guide. But to understand Yellow in 2024 you can just start here.
Next page: Why change?